
New fares and zones will be effective from 26th September 2022. Travel in Mackay will be simpler, easier and fairer with new fares and zones

Translink Journey Planner

The Translink Journey Planner helps you to streamline your journey. Use the Journey Planner to find out what public transport can take you from your starting point to your destination.


Click Here to view the Translink Journey Planner.


Can’t find a route? Send us a quick enquiry here.

School Services

School Services

Mackay Transit Coaches has been operating School Services over many years and transports students to and from school safely each day. With trained professional drivers and a fleet of modern school buses you can be assured of our dedication to your children’s welfare and safety.
Public Transport

Public Transport

Mackay Transit Coaches provides weeklong quality public transport to the majority of Mackay and its surrounding regions. From city to country, our services can take you there in air-conditioned comfort.
Mining & Resource

Mining & Resource

Mackay Transit Coaches makes commuting between work and home simpler with our unique mining transport services. Our Hail Creek Mine service is exclusive to mine staff and stops over in areas from Bucasia to Ooralea.
Fares & Transport

Fares & Transport

Want to know about how to get there and what it costs? View our latest fare and timetable information. You can also plan your journey hassle-free with our Translink Journey Planner.
Have a question? Talk to our friendly team today on 1300 MTC BUS

Why choose Mackay Transit Coaches

25+ Years Established

Mackay Transit Coaches has been operating within the Mackay Region for over 25 years. We pride ourselves on being the premier transport company in the region.

70 + Vehicles

With a fleet of over 70 vehicles ranging from 11 to 61 seats, we are able to provide a vehicle suited to your custom requirements. Our coaches are optimised for comfort and safety.

Safety First of Mind

Our friendly and professional team of drivers are passionate about ensuring that you get to your destination as efficiently and safely as possible. We’ll look after you.

365 Days, 24/7

Service is our speciality! We provide our customers with safe, efficient, quality transport solutions all day long and all year round. No matter when you need us, we’re there for you.

In the Community…

Mackay Transit Bus



What’s on? At Mackay Transit Coaches, we’re passionate about our local community, so we work hard to keep our customers up-to-date with the latest regional news and information. Click here to check out recent community updates.

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What our customers say…

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